Sulmohet me bombë nga tri gra një stacion policie në Kenia (FOTO)

epa05534759 The bodies of women who were shot dead by police after trying to stage an attack are seen at the Central Police Station in the port city of Mombasa, Kenya, 11 September 2016. According to local reports, three women wearing hijabs entered the police station on the pretence of reporting a crime before stabbing a police officer and throwing a petrol bomb. Police shot and killed them, said the Mombasa police chief. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack yet, but Somalia's Islamist militant group al-Shaba has launched similar attacks in Kenya. EPA/STR

Tri gra janë vrarë, pasi sulmuan një stacion policie.

Ato u qëlluan nga policia, pasi njëra prej tyre hodhi një bombë në rajonin e policisë, dy të tjerat u vranë nga policia.

Dy polic u plagosën gjatë sulmit në qytetin bregdetar të Kenyan Mombasa.

Gratë ishin veshur me burka kur ato mbërritën në stacionin e policisë qendror për të raportuar një telefon të vjedhur .

Shefi i policisë Mobasa Parterson Maelo tha: “Ndërkohë që zyrtari po pyeste në lidhje me veçoritë e telefonit të vjedhur njëra prej tyre nxori një thikë dhe një tjetër hodhi një bombë tek  zyrtarët e zyrës së raportit.”Gjatë sulmin të tri gratë u qëlluan nga policia.

Ekspertët e bombave u thënë të jetë në vendin e ngjarjes për të caktivizuar një jelek shpërthyes të veshur nga një prej grave.Nuk ka grupe të ISIS të kenë marrë përgjegjësinë për sulmet.

Kenia është nën kërcënimin e vazhdueshëm të sulmeve nga përkrahësit e grupit të militantit  somalez al-Shabab, i cili ka thënë se do të hakmerret pas Kenya ka dërguar trupa në Somali në vitin 2011.

epa05534759 The bodies of women who were shot dead by police after trying to stage an attack are seen at the Central Police Station in the port city of Mombasa, Kenya, 11 September 2016. According to local reports, three women wearing hijabs entered the police station on the pretence of reporting a crime before stabbing a police officer and throwing a petrol bomb. Police shot and killed them, said the Mombasa police chief. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack yet, but Somalia's Islamist militant group al-Shaba has launched similar attacks in Kenya. EPA/STR

epa05534759 The bodies of women who were shot dead by police after trying to stage an attack are seen at the Central Police Station in the port city of Mombasa, Kenya, 11 September 2016. According to local reports, three women wearing hijabs entered the police station on the pretence of reporting a crime before stabbing a police officer and throwing a petrol bomb. Police shot and killed them, said the Mombasa police chief. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack yet, but Somalia's Islamist militant group al-Shaba has launched similar attacks in Kenya. EPA/STR

epa05534769 Kenyan soldiers arrive at the Central Police Station in Mombasa where three women were shot dead by police after trying to stage an attack in the port city of Mombasa, Kenya, 11 September 2016. According to local reports, three women wearing hijabs entered the police station on the pretence of reporting a crime before stabbing a police officer and throwing a petrol bomb. Police shot and killed them, said the Mombasa police chief. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack yet, but Somalia's Islamist militant group al-Shaba has launched similar attacks in Kenya. EPA/STR

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