Përplas makinën 6 sekonda pasi e blen


Kësaj gruaje iu deshën vetëm 6 sekonda të përplaste Mercedesin e saj të ri me katër makina në parkingun e firmës teksa tentoi ta testonte – duke e kthyer automjetin në një anë.

Policia e Virginias u thirr menjëherë në oborrin e Balston, por fatmirësisht askush nuk u lëndua.

Incidenti ndodhi në rrugën North Glebe Road këtë të premte, raporton ARLnow.



From Chris Murphy 01634 686 515 Sorry ladies. A woman taking out a posh new Mercedes for a test drive took just six seconds to crash it in to several cars and flip it on its side – all while still in the dealership’s car park. Police in Virginia were called to the Balston forecourt, and found amazingly, no one was hurt. Local news site arlnow reports the incident happened at the Mercedes dealership on North Glebe Road. They said: “We’re told that the driver was just beginning a test drive, in the dealership parking lot, and might have mistaken the gas pedal for the brake. She crashed into four vehicles before the SUV rolled onto its side. “Four people who were in the SUV at the time managed to get out before police and firefighters arrived, we’re told. One dealership worker was evaluated by medics for a possible back injury. No one was seriously hurt.” Ends


From Chris Murphy 01634 686 515 Sorry ladies. A woman taking out a posh new Mercedes for a test drive took just six seconds to crash it in to several cars and flip it on its side – all while still in the dealership’s car park. Police in Virginia were called to the Balston forecourt, and found amazingly, no one was hurt. Local news site arlnow reports the incident happened at the Mercedes dealership on North Glebe Road. They said: “We’re told that the driver was just beginning a test drive, in the dealership parking lot, and might have mistaken the gas pedal for the brake. She crashed into four vehicles before the SUV rolled onto its side. “Four people who were in the SUV at the time managed to get out before police and firefighters arrived, we’re told. One dealership worker was evaluated by medics for a possible back injury. No one was seriously hurt.” Ends

From Chris Murphy 01634 686 515 Sorry ladies. A woman taking out a posh new Mercedes for a test drive took just six seconds to crash it in to several cars and flip it on its side – all while still in the dealership’s car park. Police in Virginia were called to the Balston forecourt, and found amazingly, no one was hurt. Local news site arlnow reports the incident happened at the Mercedes dealership on North Glebe Road. They said: “We’re told that the driver was just beginning a test drive, in the dealership parking lot, and might have mistaken the gas pedal for the brake. She crashed into four vehicles before the SUV rolled onto its side. “Four people who were in the SUV at the time managed to get out before police and firefighters arrived, we’re told. One dealership worker was evaluated by medics for a possible back injury. No one was seriously hurt.” Ends


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