Komunistët janë “të mirë” sa nuk kanë marrë ende pushtetin…


Nga Dritan Kaba

Nje prononcim qe ja vlen ta lexoni! Komunistet jane “te mire” sa nuk kane marre ende pushtetin, kur e kane ate kthehen ne persekutore dhe kriminele! Kthehen ne sundues, sulmojne kedo qe mendon ndryshe, jane kunder lirise si princip dhe menyre jetese!
Asnje ndryshim me Rilindjen. Ndaj ndryshimi fillon tek morali, jo tek niveli i taksave, as tek ligjet ekonomike, tek ato vazhdon. Por morali politik dhe jetesor eshte ai qe opozita duhet te shpalose ne rradhe te pare!

Link https://www.breitbart.com/…/cardinal-zen-vatican-is-giving…/

Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'Breitbart 2 mins "The pope doesn't know much about China. And he may have some sympathy for the Communists, because in South America, the Communists are good guys, they suffer for social justice," Cardinal Zen said. "But not the [Chinese] Communists. They are persecutors." BREITBART 2 MIN READ Cardinal Zen: Vatican Is 'Giving Everything' to China's Communists'
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