“Ku anijet shkojnë të vdesin” – National Geographic: Punëtorët rrezikojnë gjithçka (VIDEO)


Në Bangladesh, njerëzit të dëshpëruar për punë bëjnë një nga punët më të rrezikshme në botë. Ata merren me prishjen anijeve të mëdha në kushte rraskapitës,ku mund të preken nga shumë sëmundje duke përballuar me guxim, ndotjen, dhe kërcënimin nga puna duke  dërrmuar me thikë celiku lëvoret e tyre./standard.al/maxresdefault e2(16) b9ca3c496482acea605ab2352b35fc3c ship graveyard

The ship breaking industry along the coasts of Sitakunda, started its operation in 1960. Due to lower labor costs and less tight environmental regulations the salvage yard expanded in a very short time, seriously damaging the environment and ecosystem of the coastal belt. Huge casualties and loss of lives due to poor safety regulations occurs every year. Scrap Ships provide more than 80% of the countrys steel needs and around three million people are directly or indirectly involved with the industry, among whom 40 percent are child laborers. Even in this treacherous conditions, people from all over Bangladesh particularly from poverty ridden northern districts, come to this industry for livelihood. Sitakunda, in Chittagong, Bangladesh. July 23, 2008. (Photo by: Majority World/UIG via Getty Images)

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